Donald Trump looked at Miss California Carrie Prejean with cartoon hearts in his eyes and said she might stay.
Madonna tried to make A-Rod jealous of her new boyfriend, whom she might get wedded to or something.
Kiefer Sutherland's lawyers claimed Jack McCollough started it.
Chris Brown shrugged.
Louis admited that he already wrote the American Gladiators movie, a secret long kept. He has always been open, though, about his disdain for "American Idol's" Danny Gokey. Gokey was voted off this week, and America's voting smart people were justly recognized.
Louis also counted down the top five non-winning "AI" contesteants that America's voting people were not so smart about. Unfortunately, he had to leave off at number three when he was struck down, suddenly, by food poisoning. (I'm watching you, Danny Gokey.) He'll continue his list of unrecognized greatness when he returns Monday.
George Clooney pretended like he didn't throw up at a club in Miami.
We said goodbye to the "Real Housewives of New York," and hello to New Jersey.
Meghan McCain forgot who she was. A security guard at the White House Correspondents' Dinner reminded her.
An important person establish the script for New Moon in a garbage can and didn't leave it there.
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